This is where it all began, my parents always had a lovely garden,

perennials; red geraniums were always present and the vegetable patch. The vegetable garden was a slightly raised bed that had tomatoes and peas, some years we had giant sunflowers and of course our composting bin (if you know me I’m very passionate about composting, I believe if more people composted we could drastically put a dent in global warming that’s another topic for another day). My parents are British, the emigrated to Canada 40 years ago but we visited as kids. There, gardening is like a culture, everyone gardens in the villages my grandparents lived in, many had greenhouses and everyone know who Monty Don is or maybe not everyone did but that’s all I noticed because I was so drawn to it. Even though I was a kid back then, I really remember comments my grandfather said about growing his onions and I remember him standing there in his slacks and white shirt, his posture and how he would stand back and look at his garden, his hard work and his pride and joy… the same way I do now. My Grandparents are no longer with us but I am so grateful for the skills and style they have passed down to my parents.
This is where it all began, my parents always had a lovely garden, perennials and annuals; red geraniums were always present and the vegetable patch. The vegetable garden was a slightly raised bed that had tomatoes and peas, some years we had giant sunflowers and of course our composting bin (if you know me I’m very passionate about composting, I believe if more people composted we could drastically put a dent in global warming that’s another topic for another day). My parents are British, the emigrated to Canada 40 years ago but we visited as kids. There, gardening is like a culture, everyone gardens in the villages my grandparents lived in, many had greenhouses and everyone know who Monty Don is or maybe not everyone did but that’s all I noticed because I was so drawn to it. Even though I was a kid back then, I really remember comments my grandfather said about growing his onions and I remember him standing there in his slacks and white shirt, his posture and how he would stand back and look at his garden, his hard work and his pride and joy… the same way I do now. My Grandparents are no longer with us but I am so grateful for the skills and style they have passed down to my parents.
10 years ago, my husband and I built out first garden, a small 8X10 bed that housed a few lettuces, some peas and carrots. Once we started the obsession began and we quickly added more and more until we realized the back field was the only space big enough to grow our dreams. But what's a field without a name, when describing my thoughts and goals to my dad he said with a grin, " justlike your grandfather, your own little small holding" and the second he said it, it fit.I have said and will always say that gardening and growing is in my blood and we are blessed to have a 3 acres of land that we are developing into our dream garden. I would like to invite you on our journey of making our dreams come true. This blog will bring information I have learned through trial and error, courses I’ve taken, books I’ve read, experimentation, pushing the limits and trying different things. I hope to encourage you to try growing our own, whether it be fruit, veg, your favourite flower or a space outside you can go to find peace.
Stay tuned for more to come… and happy growing